Leading with an article that seems to berate Gen Y for 'staying home more', a development that is 'worrying business', media reports a dip in consumer activity. Gerry Harvey is quoted as saying that consumers are 'rattled' http://www.news.com.au/money/money-matters/australians-saving-out-of-fear-and-its-doing-the-economy-no-favours/story-e6frfmd9-1226097253516. He likens consumer sentiment to the kind we might have if there was 12 % unemployment. Employment is sitting at 5 %. Maybe spending on non essential items is something some people have begun to feel they can manage without. You can only kid people that they need a house looking like it stepped off The Block, or a kitchen that appears to be loosely related to Master chef, for so long. The next enormous household utility bill arrives and the makeover desire evaporates, only to be matched by a desire to maybe be able to heat the living areas (or sleeping, depending on the ages and viral status of those who need heating) of the house for a couple more months, by which time the winter weather might be over. And that's for a household without a mortgage, which pays no rent. Add the cost of shelter, and people on low incomes are in deep water. No wonder Australians are worried.